Yes, you can exchange an item.
To return or exchange the following conditions apply:
1.After Shipment of your order, you have 14 days to register the product for exchange or return.The return must be done within 30 days.
2.The goods must be in original condition, unworn and in the original packing if you want to sent it back.
The packing slip must be included with the return. The article should be in a solid, preferably original shipping box.
3.Insufficient or no postage returns are not accepted by us, regardless of the reason for the return.
4.When you want to exchange an article Oxener Sinds 1905 B.V. will, for once, take the shipping costs for resending the article on it’s behalf.
5.Upon receipt of the returned item controlled (dissolution sale of one or several items) will return the amount received (plus shipping,unless otherwise stated) within 4 working days you made. In earlier if possible.
6.The postage and the shipping risk for return shipment are borne by the customer, unless otherwise stated.